NASA VR training platform developed for Kennedy Space Center training and design reviews.
VECTR: Virtual Environment Computational Training Resource
The Virtual Environment Computational Training Resource (VECTR) program is a 3D, virtual reality training system designed to train engineers and technicians for ground operations at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. The VECTR program is currently funded and an undisclosed scenario is currently being developed to familiarize engineers and technicians with future procedures and facility layouts.
VECTR is registered as an invention on the NASA New Technology Reporting System.
The Virtual Environment Computational Training Resource (VECTR) prototype enables users to walk through multiple scenarios including a contingency operation on the Crew Access Arm with the SLS and free-flight modes that enabled users to fly around a virtual KSC environment.
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My Involvement
I am the lead designer, lead programmer, and lead 3D modeler on the VECTR project. I am the sole developer of the VECTR program and the previously developed VECTR Prototype. I wrote and presented the technology proposal, which was accepted and funding for development of the prototype and further scenarios was approved.
I am listed as the Inventor, Innovator, and Technical Point-of-Contact for the VECTR program on the NASA New Technology Reporting System.